
Follow Jannette and Island Naturals on Instagram @island_naturalsmv

Jannette Vanderhoop is…

an indigenous entrepreneur From the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) on the island of Martha's Vineyard. She is a professional artist, published author/illustrator, master gardener, educator and yoga instructor. She works with children and adults of all ages teaching nature based themes. She is a trail blazer, a serious, accomplished and prolific artist, she sells her work at the Vineyard Artisans’ Festivals in the summers. She sits on the board of directors for the Aquinnah Cultural Center and seeks to increase global visibility and connection of Eastern Seaboard indigenous people through museum exhibits, community workshops, art shows, school visits, and urban and rural projects. With the desire to fight stereotypes as they relate to native people, her work is decidedly contemporary.

Her modus operandi is to “educate people to respect nature through art” and so, she produces her work as a form of environmental expression. By utilizing natural, found and reconstituted materials, there is no lack of inspiration or originality. Over the course of 15 years, she has mastered concepts of color, shape and design, experimenting with materials and techniques to create a signature for her work. Each colorful piece is made one -at-a-time, by hand to create authentic Native American jewelry that cannot be duplicated. Each is a wearable art object that nods to her wampanoag culture and the history of her tribe while celebrating a connection to the land.

The first of  her family to ever go to college as a Gates Millennium Scholar through AIGC (American Indian Graduate Center), Jannette holds a bachelors degree from Pitzer College in Environmental Studies and Art. Island Naturals became a business in 2006. Fresh out of college with a desire to create. She began selling her work locally at the Martha’s Vineyard Artisan's Festivals during the summers. And was the first and only member of her tribe to be included in this juried show. Her experience as an artist goes back to childhood.

She is an educator of Wampanoag history and culture and has dedicated her life to preserving her heritage. Using her book “Cranberry Day, a Wampanoag harvest celebration” to deconstruct stereotypes through museum and school visits.

Miss Vanderhoop has sold over 200 of her signature wampum necklaces to visitors and collectors from all over the world. These unique, one-of-a-kind necklaces are not just another piece of jewelry; they are heirlooms,. Through her dedication to a lifetime’s body of work, she hopes to put the Aquinnah Wampanoag tribe on the map as a significant contributor to contemporary indigenous arts. 

Using locally sourced wampum shells from the rugged coastline of Martha’s Vineyard, Jannette’s organic, colorful jewelry is appreciated for both its eccentricity and it’s simplicity. Meant to inspire both the wearer and the viewer and connect them to the essence of the sea. Anything but basic, completely authentic, these conversation starters are sure to turn heads and leave a lasting impression. Are you a collector? Because You are sure to be left wanting more! 

What is Wampum?

Wampum shell is from the quahog, a hard shelled clam. The deep purple and white beads are extremely precious to Wampanoag people. This traditional art form is popular amongst the tribal people of the eastern seaboard and on the Vineyard specifically, where the deepest purples are found.. The shells were originally processed by Native people into beads of various sizes called Wampum which was used for adornment and ceremonial purposes. Only powerful Sachems wore wampum before the 17th century. When Europeans came to America they equated the presence of wampum with wealth, learned how much the native people valued wampum, attached a monetary value to it and, in some cases, produced counterfeit beads. Wampum can be seen as jewelry and as embellishments on traditional clothing. 

the artist says

"I have been working in wampum since high school and gave away most of my first works of art. The shell is drilled underwater wearing a mask and gloves and goggles, as you do not want to breath the powder that comes from them. It is a tedious process that I find very meditative. I do not cut the or shape the shells, they are beach tumbled, collected, drilled, cleaned and oiled. I then pair the rich purple with colorful semi-precious stones, wood and bones to create chunky pieces that are characterized to include asymmetry, asperity, simplicity, modesty, intimacy, and suggests a process, where nature is appriciated and celebrated.